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Sport Sanctuaries

This week was National School Sports Week, so what better week to launch our temporary Sports Sanctuaries! This year’s theme was ‘Pause and Play’ and children across the school have been pausing from their learning to take part in a range of different physical activities using some brand-new equipment. We’ve had skipping, dancing and superhero poses, as well as some lesser known activities such as boccia and tchoukball. The children will be visiting these sanctuaries frequently over the coming weeks as a space to promote physical and mental wellbeing, away from their classroom environment.

Here are some quotes from the children in Beech Base.

I went to the dance sanctuary and it made me feel joyful and happy. It also made me calm and made Mrs Palmer smile. Olivia

I went to the target sport sanctuary and it made me feel determined. Saul

The superhero poses made me feel happy and relaxed. Aaron

I felt like me. Enjoying what I love to do! Matilda