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Nursery Weekly Blog - 17/03/2023

Our text this week is “Giraffes can’t Dance” we used this to talk about the similarities and differences between us all.  The group were very keen to tell is about the activities they enjoy outside of Nursery, including dance, swimming and rugby.

We have played “Noisy Neighbour” during our phonic session this week.   This activity asks that children to identify the sound being made from within a bag without seeing what is inside.  We have had some great guesses!

The children have made scones and Mother’s Day cards in preparation for Sunday.  We have talked about all of the things that those who care for us do and how we might show that we love someone.   There were some lovely ideas and it was great to see the children extending these ideas in their role play.

We had lots of excitement on Tuesday, when we were able to take part in a tree planting alongside the main school.  Later on in the day, we were able to sow some wild flower seeds, we are all looking forward to watching these grow over the spring and will all be making sure that we take good care of them.

We paid a visit to the school Library, talking about borrowing books and returning them to allow other people to enjoy the books too.  The children were able to help to return last week’s books, enjoy choosing books, reading in small groups and then helping to select books to bring back to Nursery for next week.  We talked about the need to take care of the books and to use quiet voices in the Library.

On the main school playground, we had a fantastic wheel’s session with all sorts of bikes, scooters, tricycles and Go Go buses.  These children showed such great respect for each other when using the sand timer to take turns.  We talked about how this makes us feel and how it makes our friends feel too.  We had shaving foam to mark make in and used chunky chalks on the playground to create patterns. 

We have used photo cards of children with different expressions.  We talked about how the people in the pictures might be feeling, why they might feel that way and what makes us feel that way. 

During PE, we practiced balance and moving in different ways.  We used the benches, tactile beams and the small gym horse.  In addition, we used the floor training ladders to move along.  These were quite tricky, but lots of fun and the children had some fantastic ideas about good ways to move.

As always, we have had lots of opportunities to use paint, playdough, mark making resources, construction, sand, games, songs, books and so much more. 

Next week we will be starting our Easter preparations.