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Nursery Weekly Blog - 10/03/2023

Our text this week is “Mabel’s Magical Garden.”  This is a beautiful book about sharing, friendship and the natural world.

We have made wooden flowers for each other.  These are all different sizes, so we have been able to explore language around size and colour.  As well as to talk about how being kind to each other makes us feel.

We have used large decorating brushes and small paint brushes to paint on the playground using water as well as chalks to draw with.  We have used wet sand, crayons, pencils and pens to mark make.  As always, the children have free access to the easels and paint dabbers and the writing area at all times.  Strawberry playdough has seen some amazing animal creations.

We have played animal pattern snap.  These cards were hidden around the outside area and we went on a pattern treasure hunt which was great fun!

We had a feely bag game – a bag filled with all sorts of objects.  We had to guess what was in the bag just by feeling.  No peeping.  The items included dried pasta, a tea towel, a stone, a toothbrush, a wooden spoon and much more.  We were able to use some great language to describe how things felt. 

During PE we played ball games, hoops and beanbags on the school playground. We were able to spend time on the small adventure playground and had a fantastic time jumping in the puddles.

We have talked about the patterns we could see – on our clothes, in the stories we read and all around us.  We have  played with shape sorters, shape puzzles and shape match games and used shapes to create our own pictures.

We have used the dolls house and small world to take about our home and families.  This is also a great way for us to use Class Dojo.  The children love to share and talk about the photos which are added to this.

The home corner, has, as always seen the making of many cups of tea, very expensive cakes and all sorts of phone calls made.  The children seem to be particularly enjoying the till, wallets and play money

Kim’s Game has been great fun and the children decided to swap things around and take the lead role for the game. 
As always, we have sung a broad range of songs and rhymes with and without props.  We have explored musical instruments and the different types of sounds that these can make.  We have explored how we might move to different types of music – fast, slow, loud and quite as well as thinking about what different animals might sound like.

The children are engaging so well with the snack café and we have so many willing helpers each day.  They are now able to chop fruit, serve themselves, pour water from the jug and even help to tidy away.  Its so fantastic to see independence blossoming.

 We can’t want for another fun filled week in Nursery.