Nursery Weekly Blog - 03/02/2023
Our story this week has been “One Snowy Night” This is a Percy The Park Keeper book. We have used this to talk about what makes a good friend and how we might be able to help others. This has also provided a provided a great basis for talking about how the cold weather makes us feel and what we can do to keep warm.
During our maths time, we have explored pattern – using textured rolling pins in flour, playdough, peg boards, mark making resources and wooden blocks to create all sorts of patterns. We have talked about the patterns on our clothes and looked at the similarities and differences between patterns we can se in the environment.
We have used junk modelling to create cosy homes for animals to sleep in for the winter. This has been a great way to use a rich variety of language – home, warm, hibernate, cold, dark, winter and so much more. As well as team work, motor skills and much more.
We have had flour in the Tuff Tray with animals, junk and leaves to make a cosy place to hibernate.
We have played “What Sound Can I Make?” as part of our Unlocking Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. The children were able to come up with some great ideas for different sounds they could make with their mouth, hands and feet.
In PE, we have played ring games, ball games and used beanbags and hoops in different ways. Due to the sunny weather, we were able to have PE outside on the main playground.
The children have painted a Hedgehog Hotel and made it warm in anticipation of a visitor. We cant wait to see if any creatures decide to make it their home.