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Nursery Weekly Blog - 18/11/2022

It’s been fun, fun, fun at Nursery again this week.

On Monday we had Odd Sock Day to help deliver the anti -bullying message.  Lots of children and the grown-ups proudly wore odd socks for the day.  We read the story “Simon Sock” and used this to talk about how we are all friends even though we are different.  We played a sock matching game, matched the number of socks to the numeral and used paint and stamps to create our own pair of odd socks. 

Our key text this week is “Monkey Puzzle.” Lots of children know this story well and were able to help to tell it.  We have used the animals to print with, talked about how many legs different animals have and size ordered monkeys.  We have also used this text to talk about families and the different people who make our own family unique. 

We have practiced counting to 5 in many different ways such as jumps, hops and claps, number rhymes and building towers and counting how many people are in our family.

We talked about the different animals in the story and drew these on the whiteboard in the order in which they appear in the story.  The children worked very hard to draw these animals themselves.

All different coloured paint has been used to create symmetrical butterfly pictures.  We have supported this idea with the pegs and boards to create coloured patterns and threading beads on string to follow a colour sequence. 

We continue to enjoy our outside time and have had many games of “What’s the time Mr Wolf” as well as using bikes, scooters and scuttlebugs, the sand tray, junk modelling and small and large construction blocks.

During our PE session, we have been focusing on different types of music and how these make us feel. We have used coloured scarves to move to this music in different ways such as fast, slow, soft and loud.  This has been extended by the use of musical instruments.  We have played ring games such as “Ring a ring a Roses” and “The Farmer is in his Den”

We have started to practice our song for the Christmas performance and the props we will use for our performance are under construction using all sorts of different materials – we can’t wait for you to see what we have made! 

We have continued to practice putting on coats and are all doing so well!

Next week, our key text is “The Three Little Pigs”  We have so many fun things to do!