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Nursery Weekly Blog - 09/09/2022

We have had a fantastic first week back at Nursery!  It has been lovely to see lots of new faces and to welcome back so many familiar faces too.

We have enjoyed the sunshine when we have been able to and been able to enjoy football in the main playground, ride on toys and big build resources in the Nursery garden.  The adults have had many children make a “Cup of tea” for us in the home corner both inside and outside.  We have focused on the story “Peace at Last” and enjoyed making the various sounds within the story.  We have enjoyed joining in with songs and rhymes which mention body parts and the 5 senses such as “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” On Friday we were able to take part in PE in the main school hall, this included Wake and Shake time linked to our All About Me theme. We can’t wait for more great learning opportunities next week.